Are you ready to ditch the quick fixes and break up with diet culture for good?

The Maintain Lean program is your ticket to mastering food, fitness, and your true self—no gimmicks, no shortcuts.

This isn’t about squeezing into a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s about embracing your natural vitality and building a lifestyle that’s as bold and unstoppable as you are.

Learn More About Maintain Lean

Introducing the Maintain Lean Program With Erin Moran

Where you’ll finally realize the problem isn’t you—it’s the garbage diet culture has been feeding you. No more restrictive diets, no more self-sabotage, and definitely no more obsessing over a scale that was never meant to define your worth.

Maintain Lean is where you break free from the lies, embrace your true strength, and build a life where lean and strong is your natural state—every day, no matter what the scale says.

If you're done with superficial weight loss goals and ready to cultivate real, lasting wellness, it's time to step up and own your journey.

Yes, I'm ready for a lifetime of health

The Maintain Lean program is not about quick fixes or following the latest diet trends. Instead, it’s a comprehensive journey into mastering your relationship with food, fitness, and self.

This program is designed for those who are ready to embrace their natural vitality, move beyond the superficial aspects of weight loss, and cultivate a lifestyle that supports lasting wellness.

Get Started Now

Maintain Lean is for those who have tried the traditional routes and found them lacking.


  • It’s for busy widowed or divorced single moms who are insulin-resistant without knowing it
  • It’s for men and women who may not believe they have a purpose or for the spiritual junkie entrepreneurs who need practical, grounded help with fitness.

This Program Meets You Where You're At

Whether you identify as a medicine woman, a humanitarian, or someone who has struggled with the expectations of diet culture, this program meets you where you are and helps you redefine what it means to live in a body that feels strong, capable, and vibrant.

Erin Moran’s 4-Step Framework

Live Lean Before You Look Lean

Learn how to live in a lean body before you see it in the mirror. Through my four-step framework, you'll embody the lifestyle and mindset needed to achieve the body you desire so that you can naturally become it.

Through this 4-step process, you’ll learn to live in the body you desire before you even look like it.

This is where real, sustainable change happens—because you’re not just transforming your body; you’re mastering a lifestyle that supports lean and strong living for life.

Step 1: PREP

Prepare your mind and body for the journey ahead. This step is about uncovering and addressing any emotional or mental blocks holding you back. We’ll set realistic goals, commit to the process, and build a support system that empowers you every step of the way.

Step 2: BUILD

Build a strong, muscular foundation through personalized strength training and functional movement. This phase focuses on finding a workout routine that resonates with you, fueling your body with the right nutrients, and ensuring you get the recovery and rest you need to thrive.


Discover what truly works for your body and lifestyle. This is where you experiment with different nutrition strategies, find a balance that lets you enjoy the foods you love, and explore various forms of movement that bring joy and fulfillment to your life.


Maintain your lean body by establishing healthy habits and routines that support your overall well-being—physically, mentally, and emotionally. This includes regular exercise, balanced nutrition, stress management, and self-care practices that keep you feeling strong and vibrant.

This isn’t just another maintenance plan.

Maintain Lean is an ongoing journey to holistic well-being.

It’s about understanding that the mass type you focus on matters more than the food you eat. It’s about realizing that you don’t have a weight problem, but rather a deeper issue that needs addressing. Erin’s approach teaches you to listen to all four of your brains—especially the one that’s not in your head—and to respect the signals your body sends you.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Make food decisions when you’re not hungry
  • Embrace a lifestyle that’s about more than just numbers on a scale
  • Fully embody your natural vitality across all dimensions of wellness.

Welcome to abundance, where you can eat what you crave and still feel fantastic.

It's about flipping the switch on those shadowy genes you inherited and healing into purpose. 

Hey there, I'm Erin Moran, your rebel weight loss coach.

I'm not your typical fitness nerd. I focus on guiding women to a lean body where longevity, energy, abundance, and nourishment comes before weight and without the needless sacrifice of life's joys.

Tired of obsessing over every bite and comparing yourself to others? It's time to escape this toxic cycle. 


My unique approach is built on the principles of lifetime health and fitness. It's more than just shedding pounds; it's about deep, impactful changes for your overall health.

With my method...

You'll master the nutrition of getting your body to the gym and understand what your body's signals mean, all while embracing a life full of pleasure and health.

What you get in Maintain Lean


Maintain Lean isn’t just another program; it’s your holistic journey to cutting through the nonsense and redefining your entire approach to health and wellness. Over the course of this program, you'll reshape not only your body but also your thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, and emotional set point.

This is about understanding yourself from the inside out and equipping yourself with the tools for lasting well-being. It’s where real, sustainable change begins—because you’re not just adjusting your lifestyle; you’re mastering it.

Get Started Now


Relationship with Food, Fitness, & Self

Discover how to create a healthy, balanced relationship with food and fitness that nurtures your mind and body. You'll learn to listen to your body's needs, break free from restrictive dieting, and cultivate self-compassion in your wellness journey.


Lean Muscle Mass, Not Just Weight

Shift your focus from the scale to building and maintaining lean muscle mass. Understand why muscle is key to your health and vitality, and how prioritizing strength over weight loss leads to long-term wellness and a stronger, more resilient body.


Strength and Vitality

Explore the true meaning of strength and vitality beyond societal expectations. You’ll learn to embrace your natural energy, enhance your physical capabilities, and redefine what it means to live a vibrant, fulfilled life in your own terms. 


Lifestyle Athlete

Adopt the identity of a Hybrid Lifestyle Athlete—someone who seamlessly integrates wellness into every aspect of life. This approach supports your well-being on all levels, helping you embody a new identity that is strong, balanced, and empowered.

The Commitment

This program isn’t about quick fixes. It’s about making a long-term commitment to your health and well-being.

The lowest cost of entry is consistency over time because that’s what it takes to truly thrive.

APM (All Parts Matter) is a mandatory prerequisite for any in-person coaching, consulting, or training with Erin. It ensures that you’re fully prepared to embrace the Maintain Lean lifestyle.

3-Month Membership


No enrollment fee

  • Designed for: Individuals who are still dieting, not yet accustomed to long-term consistency
  • Personalized workout plan
  • Monthly group coaching sessions with Erin
  • Access to exclusive webinars and workshops
  • Basic nutrition guidelines and meal planning
Join the 3-month Program

18-Month Membership


$2,500 enrollment fee

  • Designed for: Individuals ready for a long-term, sustainable approach to health and wellness
  • Client portal setup and access
  • Administration costs
  • Initial bloodwork
  • DNA analysis
  • Gut health panel
  • Unlimited digital reports of your skeleton and musculature movement analysis
  • 10% discount on all supplements
Join the 18-month Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to Start?

If you’re tired of the diet culture treadmill and ready to embrace a new way of living—one that supports your natural vitality and well-being—Maintain Lean is the program for you.

Join us and discover what it really means to live lean and strong, not just for a season, but for life.

Join Maintain Lean Now

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