Drop the Weight ☞ Discovery Call ☽

About Erin

Greetings, and welcome to the truth about your body that you did NOT learn in school or weight loss camp.

I'm Erin Moran, your truth seeking guide on a path of remembering what it's like to access your birthright 

I know these things are possible for you, because I'm living proof of the success of my process.

Expertise That Transforms

Discover the secrets of sustained leanness and a healthier mind-body connection through Erin's unique blend of trauma resolution, emotional fitness, and transformative strategies.

Empowerment Beyond Limits

Embrace a holistic path to weight loss that redefines your relationship with your body and awakens your true potential. Erin's approach empowers you with self-love, self-agency, and vibrant vitality.

Bridge Between Worlds

With a background in neuroscience, quantum physics, economics, and pattern recognition, Erin seamlessly combines scientific knowledge with spiritual wisdom, offering you a transformative journey to lasting well-being.


The proprietary blend of science, spirituality, and personal empowerment that forms the foundation of my approach.

My journey isn't your typical one.

My expertise spans lifetime health & fitness, neuroscience, quantum physics, economics, actuarial science, and pattern recognition. This eclectic mix grants me insights beyond the ordinary, grounded in a background of business insurance and systems development. But that's only part of my story.


I'm also a passionate fitness enthusiast and lifetime athlete.

My story took a transformative turn as I embarked on a quest to reconstruct my reality from the inside out, ultimately reclaiming the life I had always envisioned.

My journey involved:

  • A Symphony of Self-Discovery
  • Embracing Emotional Wellness
  • Cultivating Self-Love
  • Mastering the Intricate Dance of Mind, Body, and Spirit

I've condensed my transformative wisdom into a four-step framework:


These pillars are your guide to sustained leanness, but my mission goes deeper. I've delved into the roots of obesity, revealing the profound connection between trauma, cellular starvation, and weight struggles.

Learn More About My Transformational Process

For me, transformation is a full-spectrum experience that goes beyond physical appearance.

It's about rewriting your identity, cultivating self-love, and embodying your innate vitality.

My approach is tailored to empower you to unleash your authentic selves, nurture self-agency, and embrace holistic well-being.

Are you done with cookie-cutter weight loss approaches that overlooks the heart of transformation?

Join me on a journey that's anything but ordinary.

It's time to say yes to transformation, vitality, and abundance – and unleash your true potential with me by your side.

Here's how to get started with Erin:

Get Erin's Free Ebook

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Erin has helped me make friends with food and fall in love with lifting.

After a lifetime of restrictive eating, orthorexia, and yo-yo dieting (and the metabolic dumpster fire the resulted), Erin has helped me make friends with food, know how to hit my macros, and fall in love with lifting. I feel more at home and energized in my body than I have in 20 years.

Jane Y. [Arizona]

Erin hasn't just helped me lose weight, she's helped me stand for my truth.

As a busy professional, I didn't realize I was outsourcing my past. After becoming aware of the beliefs I was holding about my own weight struggle, I was able to shift my beliefs to match my own desires and change the set point my body feels safe at.

Beth G. [Ohio]

Erin is helping me navigate my emotions, mind, spirit, diet, and physical training.

Sitting down with a licensed mental health counselor might be for some, but all of the ones I've seen in the past have failed. I now have a personal life coach who is helping me navigate my emotions, mind, body, spirit, diet, and physical training. She's taught me so much already and I can't wait to see how much I progress. Thank you for encouraging and guiding me through this journey.

Elisa B. [Florida]

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